♡ lena
acquired 11/14/2022 || released dec. 2019
- company: myou doll
- sculpt: bohe
- body: 1/4 ver i in coffee
- faceup: company
- wig: leekeworld grace in dark cocoa
- eyes: soulinaboxdolls on etsy
my first human doll, even though i had initially told myself i only wanted catgirls. oops! i've really liked myou's sculpts and particularly bodies since i first started research bjds and that you can get a deeper skintone easily. (although, the coffee skin is really light in person - only 'darker' than the paper white tones typical of bjds.) she's my favourite to pose, and i like dressing her in typical frilly Doll outfits. i initially chose indigo hair and navy eyes for her, but they didn't look right; the browns really suit her.

♡ sloane
acquired 12/10/2021 || released sept. 2021
- company: dearmine
- sculpt: arthur obsidian
- body: dear lover boy cat type in grey
- faceup: fullset
- wig: dearmine wl-20 in black
- eyes: ersaflorabjd on etsy
i only waited a month or two before buying sloane to be rin's girlfriend, lmao. you can't just have one, no matter what you tell yourself! i pre-ordered her directly from dearmine - i cannot resist anthro cat dolls, and the obsidian special edition fullset was too good to pass up. waiting for a pre-order was a learning process, lol. i got her 'style' down immediately and haven't changed it, unlike the others. i ordered her wig & eyes in advance and changed them out as soon as i got her, and she's stayed the same ever since. i like buying her street fashion, but i keep meaning to get her some more dramatic goth looks.

♡ rin
acquired 8/17/2021 || released march 2021
- company: aimerai
- sculpt: syou mao
- body: 1/4 mfb-04 in white
- faceup: company/fullset
- wig: leekeworld rabia in baby brown
- eyes: sophietoyparadise on etsy
rin is my first bjd! i bought her fullset from denverdoll after falling in love with aimerai's catgirl line of dolls. she's been through a lot of different eyes but i think the resin anime-style ones suit her the best. she's my favourite to buy clothes for. some day, i want to get her a new body. a funny surprise for my first bjd was that she arrived with her feet on the wrong legs! (idk how no one caught that?) it was unnerving at first to immediately have to deal with her elastics but it was easier than i thought.